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Study of Contemporary History in Italy: A New Initiative INSMLI-ISSNAF


INSMLI and ISSNAF partner to open up  outstanding  archives and libraries for North American researchers and scholars interested in the study of contemporary history in Italy.
The institutes of Bologna, Firenze, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Torino, Trieste e Venezia are part of the INSMLI Network.

The National Institute for the History of the Liberation Movement in Italy (INSMLI), with  the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation (ISSNAF), offers to University students, graduate  students , researchers and Faculty from the US and Canada the  exceptional opportunity to access INSMLI’s  outstanding collections of information, primary  sources, books and studies available in  its libraries  and archives (which contain both paper and photographic records), on the XXth century history of Italy , particularly in the following fields:

(a)  Fascism and Antifascism
(b) Colonialism and Post-colonialism
(c) World War II and Resistance (Liberation Movement)
(d) History of the Jews and Holocaust in Italy
(e) History of Labor Movement and Trade Unions Struggles
(f) Mafia, Terrorism, and Years of Lead (Anni di Piombo)
(g) Women and Political Militance (XXth Century)
(h) Public and Private Memory: Sites, Museum, Symbols, and Languages

INSMLI’s docents, archives  and libraries staff will be available  for assistance,  orientation, and directives for locating,  accessing, consulting and using materials  at INSMLI’ s centers and institutes dedicated to the study of  contemporary  history of Italy.
The institutes which are part of INSMLI’s network are located in Bologna, Firenze, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Torino, Trieste e Venezia […]. Each institute offers the assistance of a tutor, assigned shelves and carrels, and free internet access to university students, graduate and PhD students, researchers and teachers who apply for visiting positions to conduct research at one of the INSMLI centers for a period of at least 15 days (two weeks), in the period between September 27th and December 17th 2010 (Fall Term),  and between March 7th and May 20th, 2011 (Spring Term). Working knowledge / good knowledge of Italian is required for being able to consult primary sources and archival materials. 
How to Apply
Applications (written in Italian or English) must be sent by email to  segreteria@insmli.it 

August 31, 2010 for the Fall Term visit
January 31, 2011 for the Spring Term

Other Requirements
Applicant must also send a short summary of the research project (50-100  words); a letter written by the research Advisor for students, or, for  researchers and faculty, a curriculum vitae. 
Applicant must indicate the host center which she/he will be committed  to  accept, listing her/his preferences, and the period/ periods of the visit. 

The selection will be made according to the topic of research and the receiving  dates of application.

NB: Accommodation is not provided; the candidate can independently search  for an accommodation, or otherwise refer to the host institute which is  committed to provide the candidate with information about available  accommodation.

Contacts at INSMLI Venues 
Milano: Riccardo Bottoni riccardo.bottoni@insmli.it 
Bologna: Luca Alessandrini luca.alessandrini@istitutoparri.it
Firenze: Simone Neri Serneri isrt@istoresistenzatoscana.it 
Napoli: Paolo De Marco paodemar@unina.it 
Padova: Carlo Fumian carlo.fumian@unipd.it / ivsr@unipd.it 
Torino: Luciano Boccalatte luciano.boccalatte@istoreto.it 
Trieste: Fabio Todero irsml@irsml.it 
Venezia: Giulia Albanese giulia.albanese@unipd.it 

ISSNAF Contacts
Gabriele Boccaccini gbocca@umich.edu 
Nicola Di Cosmo ndc@ias.edu 

What’s the INSMLI?
The National Institute for the History of the Liberation Movement in Italy (L'Istituto nazionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione in Italia) was founded by Ferruccio Parri in 1949 with the scope of collecting, preserving, and studying the documentary patrimony of the Voluntary Corps for Liberty (Corpo Volontari della Libertà) and the Committee for National Liberation Northern Italy (Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale Alta Italia). In the course of more than 50 years of activity, it has contributed in a decisive mode, with numerous study initiatives and publications, to the achievement of a scientifically-based contemporary historiography in Italy.
The Institute -- which bases its activities on the inspiring values of the Resistance expressed in the republican Constitution of 1948 and on the ideals of antifascism, democracy, liberty and cultural pluralism -- is today, under the presidency of Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, former president of the Italian Republic, a federative system of 65 associated Institutes distributed throughout the national territory. In addition to publishing essays and lists of sources for the study of contemporary history and publishing the journal, "Contemporary Italy" (Italia contemporanea), it promotes historic research through the High School of Contemporary History (Scuola Superiore di Storia Contemporanea), with study conventions and with a specialized library and archive. It also ensures communication and critical popularization of research results and carries out training activities and refresher courses, particularly for teachers.

Address of  INSMLI Portal for more information:

Source: Italian Embassy in Washington, DC |CiaoAmerica.net|

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