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Gianfranco Fini Visit to Washington, March 4-5, 2012

March 5, 2012 ~ Gianfranco Fini, the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies visited Washington, DC on March 4-5, 2012. He was accompanied by his spokesperson Fabrizio Alfano, and Alessandro Ruben, a member of the Chamber of Deputies and Chairman of the The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in italy

Fini was in Washington at the invitation of the The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) which Gianfranco Fini, Barack Obamaheld its policy conference in Washington on March 3-5. Fini, who addressed the Conference, also had a brief meeting with President Obama who on March 4 delivered a major policy speech reflecting on the escalating tension in the Middle East, namely between Israel and Iran. Obama told Fini how much he appreciated all that Italy is doing to address the economic crisis and also wanted Fini to deliver his personal regards to President Giorgio Napolitano. Also speaking at the AIPAC conference on March 5, were two Italian Americans: Presidential hopeful, former Senator Rick Santorum, and the Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta..

On March 5, Fini had a lenghty meeting with Janet Napolitano, the Secretary of Homeland Secrity and an Italian American. Fini said that his talks with Napolitano were very productive and focused on security and immigration issues. Fini also met with Arrigo Sadun, the IMF Executive Director for Italy.Gianfranco Fini, John Boehner

In the afternoon, Fini traveled to Capitol Hill where he met with House Majority Leader, John Boehner, the House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, and the co-chairs of the Italian American Congressional delegation, Rep. Pat Tiberi from Ohio, and Rep Bill Pascrell of New Jersey, among others. Following the closed door meeting, Fini held a press conference with the Italian and Italian American media.

In the evening, Fini attended the AIPAC dinner with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The statement below was released by the Italian Embassy:

Washington, 4-5 marzo 2012 Il Presidente della Camera dei deputati, Gianfranco Fini, si è recato in visita ufficiale a Washington. Nel corso della visita, il Presidente Fini ha preso parte all'annuale Conferenza Gianfranco Fini, Janet Napolitanodell'AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Commitee), gruppo di pressione statunitense per il supporto allo Stato d'Israele. Durante i lavori della Conferenza, il Presidente della Camera ha rivolto ai partecipanti un indirizzo di saluto.

Nella giornata di domenica 4 marzo, il Presidente Fini ha incontrato il Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America, Barack Obama.

Lunedì 5 marzo hanno avuto luogo incontri con il Segretario alla sicurezza interna, Janet Napolitano, con il Direttore esecutivo per l'Italia del Fondo Monetario Internazionale, dottor Arrigo Sadun, con il Presidente della Camera dei rappresentanti, John Boehner, con la leader della minoranza alla Camera dei rappresentanti e già Presidente della Camera stessa, Nancy Pelosi, con una delegazione del caucus italo-americano del Congresso statunitense, guidata dai co-presidenti Bill Pascrell e Patrick Tiberi, ed infine con il Primo Ministro dello Stato d'Israele, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Nel corso della visita il Presidente Fini ha incontrato durante una colazione di lavoro presso la residenza dell'Ambasciatore a Washington, Villa Firenze, funzionari dell'amministrazione Usa e alcuni rappresentanti dei principali think tanks della Capitale americana.

Pictured from the top: Gianfranco Fini meets Barack Obama at the AICPAC Policy Conference; Speaker John Boehner welcomes Gianfranco Fini at left, and Claudio Bisogniero, Italian Ambassador to the United States, to the U.S. Capitol. (Photo by Bryant Avondoglio); Gianfranco Fini and Janet Napolitano (Photo Italian Embassy); Luca Gori, Clausio Bisogniero, Gianfranco Fini, Fabrizio Alfano, at press conference on Capitol Hill.

Alessandro RubenNancy Pelosi

(Pictured above: Alessandro Ruben, Nancy Pelosi, Claudio Bisogniero)

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